I have just, to my great surprise, found out that to most people under 40, the concept of ageing wine is foreign. REALLY? Really, as in really - really? Privately I can't cellar a lot of wines as I don't have the space. And also, I haven't been in the business of buying and collecting wines for very long. But I don't, ever, buy wine the same day I want to drink it. I can't. I like good wine, and as I've detailed in previous posts, Systembolaget hides all the good wine somewhere other than in their stores so acquiring a nice bottle is a bit of an undertaking. Apparently, the majority of wine purchased in stores is consumed within 24h. Now, here's just a small thought - if buying a nice, age-able bottle wasn't a three-week project, maybe the buy-and-drink thing would change. I think cellaring wines is a good thing. The wines get better, see. You can view it as an investment. Buy a 400€ bottle, and in ten years, it's worth 1000€ (as in the case of Bordeaux, for instance). It you have the space, that seems to me like quite a good payoff.
Also, and that may just be my obsessive personality, I happen to think collecting is fun. If you're interested in why wine should be cellared, Wine Spectator has a convincing editorial. If you're interested in cellared wines, but don't want to collect the bottles, tell Igi that you want to come to our next cellar night, were we serve select bottles that we've collected and aged.
(image from google.com)
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