I was perusing the web for some interesting wine facts, and by accident (or fate) stumbled upon something that will keep me well away from the rock 'n roll lifestyle of my youth. (By the way, isn't it nice to find something that would have thrilled you a couple of years ago, and that now makes you go "ah, the blissful ignorance of youth"? Especially when you're 23, let me tell you...) I tend to think we're quite rock 'n roll at Bloom, but it's a kind of "work hard, play hard" rock 'n roll, not a tigerblood-car crash-rock 'n roll.
Anyhow, what I found is actually quite appalling. It's Whitesnake (who's music I actually quite like - I saw them live at Sweden Rock Festival a couple of years ago) gone winemakers. It's also Whitesnake gone illiterate foodwriters. Listen to this:
"It's a bodacious, cheeky little wine, filled to the brim with the spicy essence of sexy, slippery Snakeyness ... I recommend it to complement any & all grown up friskiness & hot tub jollies ... Is this love? ... I believe it is ..."
That's the official description of Whitesnake 2008 Zinfandel from Russian River Valley. Actually, to me it sounds like Whitetrash Zinfandel. I may be wrong, in which case I'll change my name to Zinf and attempt to reinvent the faux-hawk and torn jeans of my youth. But, at a mature 23 years of age, I doubt whether I'm cheeky and snakey enough to pull it off.
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