If you haven't done so yet, I really recommend you listen to the video posted below: David Mitchell's Soapbox is one of my favourite food commentaries. In this video, my favorite part is when he says "hamburgers are just glorified sandwiches [...], and I would prefer it if they were not glorified any more". He also mentions the very English treat called "Knickerbocker Glory". WTF (abbreviated to avoid teaching the younger generation expletives) is a Knickerbocker Glory, you might ask? Well, that too is a glorified version of something we all know: ice cream, served in a tall glass with the toppings of your choice (yes, I know that's the precise description of an ice cream sundae. I did just mention the glorified bit, didn't I?). Also, the name invokes all sorts of perverse images - Agent Provocateur might want to cash in on that. But it doesn't have anything to do with the word knickers and its meaning in this century, rather it speaks of the long-lost pantaloons that young boys wore in the 1930's. You know, the type of baggy breeches that one substituted for man-pants when one was of suitable age and posture.
I don't know (and Wikipedia doesn't either) whether the Knickerbocker Glory has some sort of trouser-related use back in the day. All I know is that adults order ice cream sundaes and kids order Kickerbocker Glories. I suppose the name might have something to do with a more modern rite of passage: "thou art now of age to order thy first ice cream sundae. I hope your pants fit".
(image from google.com)
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