onsdag 17 augusti 2011

Why we're not a bistro

I'm sorry for the relatively poor updating lately. This thing were I decided to become a doctor (the title, not the medical professional) seemed a really good idea at the time, but it does mean suffering for your prefix. Well, as Igi would say, I brought it on myself so now I just have to suck it up.
Anyway, this preamble does have something to do with the post of today. Titti was quoted as saying in an interview for the Malmöfestivalen magazine that we often encounter the attitude that we're too expensive because not everyone can afford having a five course and a wine menu on a Friday night. Like, if everyone can't afford it, then fine dining shouldn't be allowed! Malmö is blue-collar, I get that. But luxury, such as nice dinners, nice wine, nice perfume, nice clothes etc spring up even in places where it's banned, such as North Korea (who ate all the pies? and where did all the iPods go? respectively). It's about priority. When I was 18, I basically lived on beans so I could buy whatever clothes I wanted and so I could go out and eat a fancy meal twice a month. I get that this is not a normal priority order for a teenager, but then I never was quite normal (I was possibly dropped on the head as a baby, which would explain a lot). Anyhow, we offer a service and people obviously have nice dinners with nice wine as a priority, otherwise we'd be out of business.
I get a lot of the same attitude about my Ph.D. "What's that good for?" and "We should abolish these silly titles, because it's unfair that some get to call themselves doctors without a medical degree and besides, not everyone can get a Ph.D position." Blablabla, if you were asking my opinion. If you want to be an academic, well, then go get. It's not easy, but then again, if it was I don't think it would be worth having. A five course dinner may be expensive to someone who only eats to fill his belly, but to me, it's an art and worth every öre. So, come on! Live a little.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Du sätter huvudet på spiken.
    Mycket i livet (om inte allt) handlar om prioriteringar och det är bara du själv som kan avgöra just dina val. Jag väjer att äta god mat himma istället för att åka ute i världen - är det fel?

    Titlar etc, tja varför kan inte ALLA få spela fotboll i Milan (som Zlatan)? - det kanske finns en anledning..

    (MEN Systembolaget uppskattar jag!)

  2. Hej på dig! Jag tror inte det finns något rätt eller fel i vad man gör för prioriteringar när det gäller livsstil. Jag respekterar helt klart de som väljer att äta mycket och ofta på McDonalds, om det är vad de gillar så är det ju uppenbart rätt för dem. Men jag har lika mycket respekt för de som väljer att äta haute cuisine kanske varannan månad istället. Whatever floats your boat, som man brukar säga. Men jag tycker att attityden "jag gör så här och alla som gör annat gör fel" är en dålig inställning till livet. Heja mångfalden :)
