(images from Google.com)
I love reading Stephen Fry, but his books tend to have the mysterious side-effect of turning my vocabulary positively Etonian. With me, that's not necessarily a good thing. For those of you who have not heard me speak, I suggest you turn to youtube for any episode of "Absolutely Fabulous" and listen closely to Edie. I don't know how many times a month I get "ee, I think I've heard you on the telly!" from anyone who has spent good night-time face-time with the BBC. It's not me on the telly, of course. That's a very famous actress called Joanna Lumley, and yes, we've pretty much got exactly the same voice and accent. So when reading Stephen Fry, accessorising my already posh accent with a posh vocabulary is, as you'd say in Sweden, a bit kaka-på-kaka. Igi doesn't mind, he just tells anyone who asks that we're trying to rebuild the empire (shh).
Anyway, I was throwing my recently-acquired verbosity around when my highly esteemed colleague Miguel wanted to know if I'd by mistake eaten a can of polish. In Bloom, where we're all a bit mix-and-mash heritage-wise, he stands out like a purple sun in an orange sky by being the unlikely mix of half-Spanish half-Polish. So I told him I hadn't, but that eating a Polish person for dinner isn't far off. I've been thinking about this, and now I don't know who's right. There is nothing wrong with a bit of polish, but I'm sure Polish will be compulsory in the labour market within the near future. What say you, dear readers?
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