torsdag 1 december 2011

Garbage and other garbage

Some of you may not know who Carl Jan Granqvist is. I find it lacks importance, and so apparently does the industry rag, or so it would seem as there is no explanation to who he is or why he's commenting on Tennstopet's menu. He's just another bloke who doesn't want to eat crows because they're scavengers. Yukk! Well, in that case, let's cut out goat as well, just to be safe. Goats eat all manner of garbage. And what about pidgeons? Ick! And pigs, well, pigs eat slops. Disgusting. Let's remove ALL eating animals from our diets, because, well... they might have eaten something dirty or contaminated or yucky. Let's only eat things that come out of sterile laboratory environments. Mhm. New trend, I see it coming.

I also couldn't help but notice that the hopelessly hapless, feckless institution that is Årets Kock has done it again. Six blokes, all-Swedish (compare it to all-American and you'll get my point), and they're now to BATTLE IT OUT. I see they also manage to take all the credit for starting the local/organic-produce trend. In 2001. You gotta be kiddin' me. Yes. Because Årets Kock shakes the world to it's core (spondored by the Swedish dairy association, bringing you homogenized, processed dairy-like products since before you were born)! Not.
I compare to Huffington Post's list of the 12 best up-and-comin' chefs in the States. At least they had the presence of mind to squeeze a couple of women and foreigners in there. Oh, and they're not all from NYC. That's the states, bad credit rating and all, one up on smug, equal-only-to-its-own-hypocrisy Sweden. Pah.

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