måndag 28 november 2011

The List.

Some of you may wonder what's been going on recently. The blog has been a bit quiet and media coverage slightly less aggressive (but no less misguided, unfortunately) than usual. Well. Here's a list.

1. You might not have noticed, but it's Holiday season. I know the lack of the white stuff is confusing but we're very busy indeed with festivities. Yes. Already. I think the first tables were booked in February.

2. We recently lost a very dear friend. In this business, you have the good fortune to meet the most wonderful people. We lost one of the best, and we're very sad. That's what Emily Dickinson was for the other day.

3. One of our number has a big day coming up, going all grown-up on us. Respect must be paid.

And last but not least. I've personally had a very hard year this year and I'm waiting on news on something which rings enough dooms-day bells to fill all the churches on Gotland (there are many. But I think you might have guessed). Give me a week or two and I'll know where I stand, and regardless of what the news is I promise to run the blog the Bloom way in a more regular fashion. Life is short, see. Too short to not play as often as one can, and do all those sweet things that make you smile.
So, from me to you. Drink some glögg and eat a great whopping pile of gingerbread and I'll be back before you know it.

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