tisdag 30 oktober 2012

the 10 cooking commandments

Have you had a look at the crowd-sourced 10 cooking commandments? I've compiled a list of the ones I like best.

However, I think the best piece of advice I found was this: never fry bacon naked. Hear Hear!

torsdag 11 oktober 2012

Croatia, said Robert Parker

I remember reading a review on some Croatian wines a long time ago. The review quoted Robert Parker as saying that Croatia was the next up-and-coming wine nation. Being about 20 years old and and prone to sweeping generalizations I think I shut my eyes for a few seconds, chuckled, and shook my head. You know, the way you've seen people in movies do when they've come across something a bit outrageous and so clearly misguided that it's not even worth the effort to write someone an angry e-mail. 

To be fair, I'd done some traveling in the region, and my general experience of former Soviet-bloc countries was that while a bottle of wine could be good, quality control was lacking to the point that you could go back for a second bottle and end up with a completely different wine.
Nevertheless, I was wrong and Robert Parker was right (clap your hands if you're surprised and also happen to believe in fairies). Croatia is amazing, not only wine-wise but food-wise. Croatian truffles? Sure thing! And they're bloody good to boot!

So. We've got ourselves a Croatian menu on the 15 and 16th of november - with Croatian wines, Istrian white truffles and cheese from Pag. We've even got a Croatian guest Chef! So give us a call and book your table now!!

måndag 8 oktober 2012

The third degree, by AA Gill.

(Yes, bad grammar comes from multitasking, specifically tweeting during physiotherapy)

söndag 7 oktober 2012

A closer look at your favourite outlandish ice cream

Bacon-Caramel, Chickenliver-Cherry, Bloodpudding-Chocolate

How you know your job is your calling

Victoria and I ran the usual Sunday Afternoon tea today. By the time we'd cleaned up, locked down, and shut the door we were in total agreement: today was awesome. This business gives one of the best natural highs in the world: an upbeat busy service with happy customers and good stress (yes, there is such a thing). It's the kind of high that just slightly elevates your adrenaline and endorphine levels, just enough to keep you on your toes.
The problem with this business is that we can only rest on that feeling of having accomplished something fabulous until tomorrow. Because that's when the restaurant opens again with new set of customers and you have to do it all over again.
It's hard work, with long hours. We work incessantly to try to make sure that the end of every service leaves us (and our customers) with that happy feeling. But I guess that's how you know you've found your calling: when come what may, you get out of bed and do another shift. Because you're just addicted to that feeling of having nailed it.

fredag 5 oktober 2012

Challenge: anything-goes ice cream

You may have missed that Titti makes the possibly most outlandish ice creams in the world. And that they're available at Kött och Viltspecialisten. Sydsvenskan wrote a nice spread about it yesterday. Read it here.
(Image from Bustamante promotions)